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Those who still have living grandparents, raise your hands!

In these days and times, it is a blessing to still have your lolos or lolas with you, especially if their health and hearth (did you really mean this or heart? Either way it’s ok) are still in good shape.  It is best to spend each moment with them with  the intention of making good and happy memories. 

Grandparents are precious individuals who serve as links from one generation to another.  Their stories and  anecdotes, reminisces and memories give us a glimpse of a past that was simple, yet charmed. 

It will be great to come up with something grand for them on special occasions but the daily non-frill togetherness is enough to give them joy.

They are not earning as much or moving as much,  but there are plenty of ways to connect with them.   Do you know how much they appreciate you listening to their stories and gentle reprimands? Grandparents appreciate the fact that their words are respected and considered.  But they also like to hear your stories, laugh with you and play  with them.  What is your favorite game with your lolos and lolas? 

Commit to give priority to your grandparents health.   Prepare  2 glasses of Entrasol Platinum for them daily.  Entrasol increases immunity.  Its high vitamin C,  E and Zinc content protect the cells from free radicals and fights invading bacteria and viruses.  Increased immunity for your lolos and lolas?    That’ll be a good and a lasting celebration of their grandness!

Entrasol Platinum is available in two flavors,  Chocolate and Vanilla at 200g and 600g priced at Php330.75 and Php 912.45 respectively.   It is available online in Lazada and Shopee and in all leading drugstores, groceries and supermarkets nationwide. 

For your inquiries, call +63917-951-2000 email Follow us on Facebook: EntrasolPlatinumPH, Twitter:EntrasolP or #


About Entrasol

Entrasol Platinum with the advanced PROCARE formula consists of a balanced macronutrient, protein (12g per 60g serving), fiber, and 22 vitamins and minerals. Entrasol Platinum is formulated to help fill in the 'nutrition gap' to improve the nutritional status of an ageing or recovering adult. Entrasol Platinum offers balanced nutrition as it has high protein for cell repair & regeneration.

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